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Map & Steads continues - here's a few images from the recording sessions


Fireworks Night

Aaron: What's my motivation?   Simon: You feel soiled...


Ian Curley texting the message 'Get me away from these mad people'


Simon wishes his water was something stronger. Ian has just received a reply to his SOS, but help will be a while


We are the f*****g boys


Okay guys, make love to the camera.....

L to R:- Ian Curley (Pat), Simon Bestwick (writer), Bernard Nugent (Steads), Aaron Kelly (Map), Adam Wayne (sound engineer)



Riverside Blues

Ian Dogherty and Dan Atkinson (The Singing Snakes) work their usual magic. Aaron and Bernard try not to corpse


Who wrote this s***?


Iain visits the studio to ask Aaron why he's doing his chicken impression


Consummate professional Bernard doesn't even need to read the script - he prefers his version of the dialogue


Is this guy cool or what?


Squid in the Sink

Vicki McCorkell returns to the character of Gemma after a years break. She wishes it had been longer...


And in this scene we're going to attach a tube to the side of your head


Vicki lights up the microphones


[Please Insert Caption Here]


We're serious actors dammit!


The Wake

Eileen (Kate Gilbert) and Steads get ready for their big scenes


Still getting ready... Acting is a tough profession.


Simon's getting evil eyes from both his actors after explaining exactly how he wants the lines 'Oh Eileen', 'Oh Paul!' to be delivered.


Kate consoles Hobey the rabbit. He's upset that he hasn't got a part - after all we've had a pike,

two singing snakes and a squid before now.